Batteries to get rid of?  Drop them into our Battery Recycling bin located in the foyer!

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Battery Recycling at GLCC

Recent news reports have highlighted a troubling start to 2025 for Auckland’s waste trucks, with five rubbish and recycling truck fires occurring in the first two weeks of January. These fires have been sparked by batteries discarded in household bins across Auckland, additionally, the Auckland recycling facility that manages all kerbside recycling in the region experiences one or two minor fires weekly, primarily due to lithium-ion batteries. You can learn more on OurAuckland.At Grey Lyn...

February 9, 2025

We're taking a short break

We're wrapping up for the year, our office team finish up on 20th December 2024 and will be back 6th January 2025. The centre will be closed between December 23rd and January 5th, during this time our battery recycling and soft plastics collection will be paused.During the break, our team will still intermittently respond to booking requests and emails, however there may be delays.Thanks for all your support during 2024 and we'll see you in 2025!...

December 20, 2024

Bookings for 2025 have opened

We are pleased to announce that we have now opened our booking calendar for bookings in 2025, you may make a booking by clicking onto the "Book a Space" button in the top right corner of our website.Once your booking has been made, please allow up to a week for confirmation as all bookings are manually approved by our team and we are expecting a large surge of bookings to come in over the next few weeks.If you have any questions, please contact us via the contact form.  As a reminder, all b...

December 3, 2024

A special fuel discount for our members and friends

Great news! Now you can save every time you fill up and support Grey Lynn Community Centre at the same time with Kora! Tell your friends and neighbours and they too can save and help the clubGreat savings for you.Kora is a new fuel card that saves you money every time you fill up at Waitomo or Mobil. As a Grey Lynn Community Centre member or supporter, you get 10 cents off per litre that we can split between savings for you and support for Grey Lynn Community Centre.Extra funding for us.A portio...

September 14, 2024

Mobile phone Recycling @ GLCC

We're now hosting a RE:MOBILE mobile phone donation box, read on to learn more or head to

August 21, 2024

Purchase the Entertainment App and support your GLCC

We're thrilled to be partnering with the team at Entertainment to offer the Entertainment app to as a way to support your Grey Lynn Community Centre.For every purchase of the Entertainment App using the Grey Lynn Community Centre landing page here we will receive 20% of your subscription to help support the centre and activities that we deliver to the community.And August is a great time to snap up a membership as they celebrate 30 years of Entertainment!  Purchase a single city membership ...

August 7, 2024

An update for our Playgroup Parents

Recently, at your Grey Lynn Community Centre, we've been on a journey to streamline our operations and improve our processes, with the goal of making things easier for everyone and allowing us to become more responsive to the centre users.We wanted to let you know that shortly we will begin the process of rolling out new digital systems into Playgroup, including digital enrolments and sign ins. This means over the next few weeks we will be running our paper and digitals signin pro...

July 13, 2024

Senior Yoga will Return in Term 3

With Term 2 coming to a close, our senior yoga programme will conclude for the term, next Friday, July 5th 2024. We're thrilled however, to confirm that Senior Yoga will return in Term 3 from Wednesday, 24th July 2024 twice a week on Wednesday & Fridays between 1pm & 2pm with Sally Haydon.Thanks to Waitemata Local Board for their ongoing support of this programme, in association with your Grey Lynn Community Center....

June 29, 2024

Commbox Interactive Touchscreens at your GLCC

In the last couple of weeks, our trusty Epsom Projector and Screen, that has served your GLCC well for many years, has decided to stop working, with this in mind, we've decided its a great opportunity to remind our hirers both long-term, regular, casual and new that your community centre invested in state of the art CommBox Interactive touchscreens with digital whiteboard solutions during COVID in 2021.Recently, we've introduced a new 55' version, from the powerful S4 range, powered by Andr...

June 29, 2024

Battery Recycling Service

Batteries cannot be tossed out in your rubbish or recycling bins, the hazardous substances they contain could cause a fire in the truck or our recycling process plant. If batteries end up in landfill, these substances may leak out into surrounding soil and ground water. Most batteries that are recycled have to be shipped overseas to be processed.Did you know we now are home to a Battery Recycling Tube?  Thanks to our friends at Rubbish Direct, we're now able to accept batteries from our com...

May 31, 2024

We’re Now Home To A Soft Plastics Recycling Bin

We now have a SOFT PLASTIC collection bin at the Centre and we are stocked!For more information about what to dispose in our bin please visit note that the following plastics cannot be disposed in our bin:compostable bags – even if these bags also say recyclable!face masks, disposable gloves or RAT test packagingyoghurt pots and other rigid plasticsheavy foiled bagsbags, wrap or film which is contaminated with food and liquid or cannot be easily cl...

November 30, 2022 Posts 1-11 of 11 | Page